Take all of your financial and legal documents with you (car title, insurance cards, social security card, birth certificate, passport, etc). And at minimum copies of any joint documents you don’t have electronically (mortgage, car titles where you’re both on the title or loan, a current statement or printed account summary for any joint accounts or joint credit cards) and just if he has any of your individual credit or debit card numbers that only you are listed on, personally I would just put a hold on them then report them lost so they give you a new card number and he can’t use them without your consent. It’ll be annoying to change any auto pay accounts you have set up, but it will protect you because you never know how petty someone like that will get in a break up. And if he is an authorized user or signer on any of your accounts make sure to remove him and remove him as your emergency contact at work, clinic, etc.
Because you own a home together, once you are safely away you should contact a lawyer to sort out the mortgage. If you have proof that you are the one that has been making the payments, that could work in your favor with it.
Congrats on moving into a new more positive chapter in your life. It’s not easy, and we’re all proud of you! 💜