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Jul 5
This might be a stupid question. How long after sex can I stop taking the pill ? If i stop the day after sex can I get pregnant?? ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: Cerelle
Jul 5
sex before missed pills (or stopping the pill in this case) is essentially protected. please make sure you definitely want to stop for at least a year as if you go back on before this your risk for blood clots is heightened.
Jul 5
I would also recommend using the time you have left to get used to using condoms before coming off completely. Maybe continue for another month while you get in the routine of using them. Mistakes are made easily if you’ve been used to having sex without barrier methods x

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