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Jul 12
Does anyone actually know why it’s so hard to get pregnant when you come off the pill, I’ve been off it since February and still nothing! I’ve been having regular monthly periods since may as well 😩
Jul 12
It isn’t any harder when you stop birth control. People forget that while it’s possible to get pregnant immediately it is much more likely to take a while. For most people it could take 12-18 months of actively trying before being met with results. If you aren’t met with results after a year and a half you should see a doctor x
Jul 12
Unfortunately you can't just force it to happen, no matter how much you want it to. It takes time. There's a very short window for pregnancy to occur and it's best to keep trying around the time you're expecting to ovulate. The window for the egg to be fertilised is around only 1-2 days after it's released before it becomes unviable. There's nothing much you can do.
Jul 12
@xNymphadora should i use ovulation strips to see when I’m ovulating?
Jul 12
It can help: at least using them you would have a better idea when you're ovulating.
Jul 12
@tmade Hi! I struggled with infertility for quite a while before getting pregnant with my first who is now almost 3 months old. I learned so much by tracking my cycles with ovulation strips, and I highly suggest the app Premom. The best ovulation strips I’ve used are the easy@home brand (you can get them on Amazon fairly reasonably priced). I also learned a lot just from that app and seeing others’ experiences. Good luck!
Jul 14
It is hard because the synthetic hormones mess with your natural cycle and imbalance it. It can take up to a year for you to regulate your periods again, then when you’ve had 3 straight months of cycles you can begin trying. I thoroughly recommend you and your partner going to see a doctor together to get your hormones tested. They can run your bloods to check your egg reserve and hormone levels. A good book I recommend you read is ‘It starts with the egg’ by Rebecca Fett. Read that and it will help you understand your body and how to get it fit and ready for making babies. Good luck to you. Nurse Marj x

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