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 Feb 23 21:00 | Is there something wrong with me? I’ve never really ever been in a serious relationship before. I’ve been on dates and stuff but it never goes anywhere. It’s my biggest insecurity that I’ve never had a boyfriend. |  7 |  |
 Feb 23 21:23 | That is not a bad thing at all. Nothing to be insecure about. |  3 |  |
 Feb 23 21:26 | @nicoanstic_ I get insecure because I see everybody else with someone :(. | |  |
 Feb 23 21:26 | |
 Feb 23 21:27 | |
 Feb 23 21:30 | Nothing wrong with you. Society places way too much importance on having a romantic partner but it's completely normal if you don't. | |  |
 Feb 23 21:31 | There is nothing wrong with you at all! Nothing to be ashamed of | |  |
 Feb 24 02:46 | My friend felt this at 24. Now she’s 27 and got engaged literally last week to her boyfriend who she bought a house with last year. | |  |
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