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Feb 21
Help! Sex with a UTI on antibiotics? Hi all, I’m visiting my boyfriend that I don’t see very often. We are in a LDR and I leave on Sunday. We would have two more days left but I have the worst luck ever and got a UTI. I’m starting antibiotics today but would it be ok to have sex tomorrow?? I won’t see him for 3 to even 6 months again and I really want our last night to be romantic. Any advice or suggestions? If I’m on antibiotics that should clear up my issues correct?
Feb 21
Hi there! Glad to hear you are on some antibiotics. Antibiotics should clear up the infection. However I would avoid sex as it could irritate the infection or make it worse. If I were in your position J would avoid sex
Feb 21
I get UTI’s maybe 4-5 times a year and also have IC. If I waited til I felt better to have sex then I’d almost never have sex lol. I’d recommend using a condom as it adds an extra layer of cleanliness. Pee before and after sex and maybe clean yourself after with some warm unscented soap and water to avoid any more bacteria entering your urethra.
Feb 21
I wouldn't recommend having sex with a UTI, it will irritate the area further.
Feb 22
No don’t have sex when you have an infection, that’s bad news 🙅🏼‍♀️

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