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Feb 6
Hi so I’ve had a childhood friend since I was 10 and recently I’ve got a bf (she’s never had one not that it matters but it’s made me think this may be her reason to be mad at me) I’m 19 and she’s 21 btw so strange she’s acting like this I’ve tried to make plans with her as I miss her but cold shoulder and judgy and she cancelled the other day after she made plans and literally said “I don’t wanna go now” and I basically said how I cancelled stuff for her and she said yeah ok and I talked to her about my bf and what I’m getting him for valentines and she completely aired me :( do u guys think I’m wrong in this instance and she isn’t jealous
Feb 6
Sounds like you’ve done all you can by reaching out, I’d just leave the ball in her hands and go on.
Feb 6
@Yi_eune she’s always tried to convince me with past guys as well to not text them as I should focus on being a Christian ??
Feb 6
@Horrorfan18 not for her to decide. She sounds like a bad friend, might be best to just let her go.
Feb 6
Sounds to me like she is projecting some of her jealousy or insecurity onto you and that is not fair or right. You have made efforts to reconcile but clearly she’s not having it. I would step away from the friendship. As hard as it is there is nothing you can really do if she’s not willing to work on this
Feb 7
@nrayne it’s like before she liked a guy and she’d constantly talk about him and she even made up a fake rumour about them and made fake photos of them and I was like this is childish and if a guy said that about you it would be harassment and she like blocked me on everything and then two weeks later apologised and said she’s grown up now and she’d always be jealous in the friendship group because guys would be interested in me and not her so she’d slut shame me for it yeah might be time to just leave the friendship
Feb 7
@Horrorfan18 she sounds crazy 😭
Feb 7
@Yi_eune 💀and then one time my other friend said she was crazy but at the time said mate was logged into my insta because I used her phone logged out but she secretly logged back in and she was spying on my chats I was so creeped out she basically said how I was sh*t talking her but I wasn’t technically it was my friend and I was like why was u logged into my insta she said she just saw a message pop up saying her name but not once did we say her name so 💀very childish I apologised and was like I can’t control what another mate says

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