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Jan 2
Has anyone had a really bad headache with a cold and break week to where you can’t sleep or sit up no matter what you do? When would the best time to go to the ER? I’m dealing with a cold and my break week at the same time. This headache started Monday then I got a cold.
Jan 2
i’m dealing with the worst headache and booked a doctors appointment about it as it’s intolerable
Jan 2
You might be able to go online to see your ER's current wait times.
Jan 2
@aurielle the headache went down by a lot I’m now just experiencing break week headache All I’ve been drinking so far is water…hot water I also don’t think I was in the right head space when I asked about the ER 😂 I think I wanted to know at what point during the headache would be the right time to go…I definitely worded that wrong when I asked Thank you

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