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Oct 3 24
I had the kyleena coil put in on friday almost two weeks ago under general anaesthetic. Procedure went to plan so far as I know. Doctor gave me pain killers for the initial days after the treatment if I needed them. I was tender afterwards but nothing worse than normal period cramps. After about 4-5 days the pain got severe - dizzy spells, nausea, weakness and fatigue. I wasn’t able to urinate for a while. I was Unable to focus or go about my daily life with the pain. I had resisted taking the pain meds because they were supposed to be for the initial few days and I felt that pain after 4-5 days shouldn’t be getting worse. I didn’t want to mask the pain if there was a real problem. The pain has been ok the last few days but today I’m hunched over the toilet feeling like I’m going to be sick. I took the painkillers finally and they haven’t helped. I had phoned my gp about this (not the person who put the coil in) and she basically told me it’s ‘normal’ but I really don’t feel like this is. I’m noticing that the pain gets really bad after eating a meal. I had a heavy carby lunch today around 4 and almost instantly started to get that god awful pain which hasn’t gone away. I am in agony and don’t know if this is expected after coil insertion or if I should be concerned. Any help is very much appreciated
Oct 4 24
Not normal imo. As you’ve been in severe/significant pain for 2 weeks now I would recommend going into your doctor again or if it’s out of working hours, an out of hours doctor. If it gets worse go to the emergency room
Oct 6 24
I’d try to see your gyno or urgent care. I got a Mirena and after two weeks the cramping was getting better and less frequent, not worse. And issues with the IUD moving/shifting are most common in the first couple months of getting it. Your doctor should check to make sure it’s still correctly in place.
Oct 7 24
If it continues go to urgent care/Emergency room to make sure it hasn’t perforated

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