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Feb 2
So recently I have been feeling really down about one of my friendships. A year ago I would have called her my best friend but for the past year she has been so terrible to me. She cancels on everything, she is never happy for me when something good happens to me, and she never shares big news with me anymore. It sucks. I fear the issue is that she is jealous of me for some reason. I am not a jealous person so I don’t really understand why. But she makes an effort to point out every little good thing that happens to her in a bragging way and she never asks about how I am doing. It’s so strange. Any thoughts or suggestions.
Feb 2
Sounds like this friendship is at an end, do not bother with people who make you feel small. You shouldn’t have to beg for a friendship to work. She refuses to communicate so it’s done for: Block and move on!
Feb 2
@Yi_eune I agree 100%. It can be so hard to do, but you have to focus on yourself and what/who and you feel good

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