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Feb 13
Hey all… so lately I have not been very sexually aroused and I’ve not been in the mood for anything with my bf. It could be stress but does anyone know what I can do to help with this. I wanna be sexually active again just I can’t seem to get in the mood… any pointers?
Feb 13
Is he actively working towards making you aroused? Kissing, touching, foreplay well before the sexual activity?
Feb 13
Yes I mean when we do get in the mood. He is able to do it through foreplay and such. There’s no problem there. It’s just I’m not as horny as I usually am and I don’t know why that is or what I can do
Feb 13
If you are on birth control, specifically hormonal it could definitely be that. I had that same exact issue when I was on the combo pills.
Feb 13
I think it's normal for your sex drive to fluctuate up and down. Remember that foreplay isn't just the physical stuff he does to you, it's creating a romantic atomsphere together, it's flirting and building anticipation, trying new things, managing stress and being relaxed, feeling excited and in touch with your eroticism. But it's also ok if you're just not feeling it, that's normal too.
Feb 14
Sex drives aren’t a straight line! There are ups and downs. Research some new things you can explore together, maybe spend more quality time together, and make sure there’s enough foreplay involved and you’re relaxed. Have you talked to him about how you feel? You don’t have to always be in the mood either. Sometimes my husband and I don’t match up. I’m in the mood and he’s not and vice versa, that’s life! ❤️

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