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Sep 15
I came off my period about 5 days ago, and had sex with my partner today then starting bleeding immediately. Not spotting, it’s a lot of fresh blood as if it were a period. I am worried incase it’s something like fibroids or cancer. Has anyone experienced this for or am I over reacting?
Sep 15
I think that’s normal at least in my experience once I had gotten off my “period” with birth control & was on maybe Day 2 or 3 & had sex with my husband & had some blood 🩸 but not as heavy as a period like continuous bleeding; just a gush. If you have any pain or it continues look into it further; especially after a week.
Sep 15
@Mrs_Arianna_ thank you for sharing that. The same thing has happened for the last 5 months, come off my period then a week or so later I bleed straight after sex, but the bleeding will last all day but usually go the day after. Is this normal, I’m on cerezette birth control ?
Sep 15
breakthrough bleeding is extremely normal on the mini pill, unless it’s happening regularly after sex you’re fine, if it happens more frequently i’d see a doctor
Sep 15
@onthepillxo thank you

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