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Feb 9
Those in relationships, how do you maintain a level of independence? (Being able to still do things you wanna do by yourself such as a spa day or even a meal alone)
Feb 9
Is there a reason you struggle to do those things without your partner?
Feb 9
@Awg1 no, sorry not sure if I worded my question right. I am VERY independent and my worry is if and when I get into a relationship, I don’t want to lose that part of me.
Feb 9
I’m similar, I think explaining it clearly to a partner so they don’t think it has anything to do w them is important. I think it’s also helpful to set aside time for yourself from the start. A pattern I often find myself in is getting swept up in the relationship for the first few months n then realizing I miss my personal time which then requires me to reduce the time w my partner which can be confusing / hurtful to them.. finding a good rhythm from the start is key.
Feb 9
I know this is given as the answer to everything lol but communication is soooo critical. Just checking in with your partner regularly about your needs. Letting them know you need alone time and specifically asking for it. Learning how to express that in a healthy proactive way that's not pushing them away (though a partner shouldn't feel offended by your need for independence.) For me my partner works on one day that I have off so I get to do solo self-care which I love and works really well for me. But other things like having a separate room where you can hang out by yourself, having separate hobbies, taking yourself out for meal, date, walk, bike ride, etc alone, not being expected to eat every meal together. Making time to hang out with your friends without your SO coming along. I've talked to my SO about our future where if we got married I'd probably want to take solo trips every now and then. I had the same concerns as you when I got into my relationship so I had open conversations with my SO early on telling them my fears about losing my independence and explaining how as an introvert I need alone time. So that goes back to communication! If you're feeling a lack of independence don't be afraid to express and talk it out with your partner so you can find solutions!
Feb 9
It helps to also set those boundaries from the beginning. For example, I like my evenings and not to be on my phone and feel pressured to text him back. I tell him that hey I’m getting off my phone for tonight and he understands! Might help.

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