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Jul 2
Hi ladies, first time birth control user coc. Erm so I finished my first week today, am curious what to expect for the spotting? I havent seen anything yet besides creamy/pasty discharge. I just want to know when i should expect it or should i just be prepared with a liner at all times. Another thing is i find my sex drive to be a kinda gone. I used to be horny a couple times a week but now i dont really feel like it unless my partner initiates sex. Idk im worried it would ruin sex life when my body is normalized to the hormones. Thats all! Brand: mirvala 28
Jul 2
Just be prepared with sanitary products there is no way of predicting it. A change in libido is a common side effect of the pill, just give your body a few months to fully adjust to the pill and if it’s still negatively affecting you then look into switching pills.
Jul 2
I would have a pad or tampon with you just in case but you don't need to wear a liner at all times. It's only your first week so there's no telling yet how it will effect your sex drive, give it time. Also just a friendly reminder that not everyone on here identifies as a lady :)
Jul 2
@aurielle my bad gang

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