i’ve been having a problem the past couple months after having recurring UTI’s and yeast infections. thankfully i haven’t gotten any since my last ordeal, however i’m constantly in pain during sex. i can’t even enjoy it anymore. it just hurts so bad and i bleed every single time. before it was enjoyable even if it stung a little at first. now i’m just praying for it to end every single time. i spoke to my boyfriend and we tried everything. new lube, hour of foreplay to the point where i am turned on, different positions. nothing works or makes the pain stop. i’ve stopped having sex entirely and i feel miserable. i also switched my antidepressant but i dont know if it could be that or my UTI/yeast infection lingering around. i’m not itchy nor do i have burning while peeing. i went to the doctor and i don’t have a uti or a yeast infection. what do i do? anyone else have this problem? i’m sad and scared i’ll never enjoy sex again. it just hurts so bad.