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Feb 21
Experience with IUDs? I am considering making the switch from the pill to an iud, but I’m quite nervous about the insertion process to be honest!
Feb 21
If u live in the uk apparently the waiting list is very long and very painful for insertion + and if it falls out of place again u have to keep going in to get it re placed
Feb 21
I live in the UK and once I made the decision to get one, I got it fitted within 2 weeks at a sexual health clinic (nhs). It was quite painful but I took paracetamol and ibruprofen before hand and continued to take it for the couple of days after. They also used a localised anaesthetic spray thing. It is painful but not as bad as I expected from what I read
Feb 22
I personally love my IUD! The insertion process was very painful for me, but the process was about 30 seconds to a minute long. Although it hurt, it lasting for 5 years (I have the Kyleena) is a complete game changer. I forget it’s there most of the time and not having to worry about pregnancy is such a relief. I also rarely bleed and when I do it is super light spotting for a few days!

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