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Oct 21 21
Does anyone else struggle with recurring vaginal thrush? Got my first case I’d say about 6 months ago and it’s been coming and going with medication such as the capsule and the cream, but it never stays away! I’m ringing my doctor tomorrow but does anyone have any tips of tricks as to how I can soothe the stinging and pain, it’s unbearable!🥲
Oct 21 21
Have you been tested for STI’s?
Oct 22 21
coconut oil can help soothe and i started probiotics when i was getting reoccurring yeast infections and that helped!
Oct 22 21
My life for the past 3 years. - Research the Candida diet (low carb, low/no sugar, no yeast) - take probiotics - sometimes the strain of yeast you have is resistant to medical anti fungals, stock up on natural anti fungals (tumeric, garlic, cinnamon, etc.) - change the tampons/pads/ cup you wear during your period, I switched from tampax to organic ones :( - make sure you’re wearing cotton underwear and after you workout you change - if you have a partner they should get tested for yeast / check the body wash they’re using The combined pill also is known to cause yeast infections (higher levels of estrogen which is what causes yeast overgrowth)
Oct 23 21
I’ve been tested for STI’s yes and I’m clear and thank you very much all above….x

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