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Jul 29 24
hey girls looking for some reassurance. my whole story is kind of complicated but basically i had sex once in the last year and ended up pregnant. i had a surgical abortion which turned out to be pointless as my pregnancy was eptopic and in april i had a surgery to remove one of my fallopian tubes. when i had my check up with my gyno post surgery she advised as i have quite heavy periods now might be a good time to go on to contraceptives and prescribed me drovelis which is apparently a pretty new pill. im in my early 30s and have never been on the pill before so was hesitant but after some research decided to go ahead. im on my 6th week of pills. in the first month of taking it i had a pretty normal cycle but in the last week i had some spotting and now in the last day what i would call a “light flow” even though i still have 10 active pills in my pack. to add some fun to the mix ive also been having phantom pain in the area where i had my surgery so when i first noticed the spotting last week i panicked and went to my gyno who said everything looks normal and also that my lining appears much thinner (the pills are working). is it now cause for concern that the bleeding is randomly heavier this week or how much blood can be considered as “breakthrough bleeding”? id also love to know if any other women have experienced this phantom pain? i’m just hoping soon all of this will be over for me and i can feel normal again :( thank you xx
Jul 30 24
Breakthrough bleeding can definitely vary and range from light to heavy. Just a heads up it's a good idea to use a trigger warning on posts that talk about abortion.
Jul 30 24
thank you and apologies ❤️

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