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Jan 30
Okay guys this is going to sound soo evil but I genuinely hate children I hate kids, and I will never bring a child. It sounds so selfish of me, and I don’t know why but I just have such resentment and hatred towards children…. I don’t mean it in a way where I wish there were no children, I was a child myself but I mean that I just don’t understand how people willingly want children It’s a life-long commitment to prioritizing another human and putting yourself last in every aspect.. Children give you nothing, they just take and take, your money, your energy, your attention, your privacy and freedom. 😐 I’ve tried opening up about this to my mother and she said “every woman has a clock, one day you’ll want children” It’s not only that I don’t want children, I absolutely hate them. I took care of children for 3 years of my life, every single one I took care of, their parents were exhausted, not happy, depressed, regretful for bringing them…. I hope I haven’t worded this in a way that makes me sound evil, but I just hate babies and children so much. They’re so pure and they don’t wish harm on anyone, but they’re just so annoying, just thinking about having a child cry while I’m sleeping and I need to get up and my sleep is ruined, boils my blood… I know I will never have children because I will not be able to give the child what it needs and there’s no way I’d be able to live with a conscience of knowing that a child is going to have trauma from being neglected by me… But I just really hate children, I don’t know how to stop hating them.. 😐😐
Jan 30
I don’t think you sound evil, some people just don’t like kids. I personally can agree with what you said and ur reasonings. I don’t want kids for those exact reasons and everyone tells me I’ll change my mind and its very annoying!.
Jan 30
This doesn’t sound evil at all! Unless you’re going around knocking kids’ ice cream cones outta their hands, I think this is totally valid and you’re def not the only one who feels this way! There’s a lot of cultural/social/political pressure for women to like children and to have them. Maybe that makes you feel trapped and that’s where the intense resentment comes from? If you were interested you can probably find intentionally child-less communities/groups that might help you feel more normal. I think choosing not to have kids when you know you won’t like them is the opposite of selfish, and is actually quite ethical, not evil!
Jan 30
Honestly sometimes I feel the same—especially with the way the world is set up now, the thought of bringing a life into the world just to have them struggle like me and experience pain in their lifetime makes me not want to have any. Or I even be thinking what if I give birth to the next mass k*iller? What if my kids end up se*ually assaulting someone?? So many possibilities along with what you listed. Honestly life is not all that it’s a very dark world tbh
Jan 30
To me this sounds like you hate the idea of having your own child, which is very relatable, not that you hate actual babies and children. You didn't mention seeing random children in public and hating them lol
Jan 30
@Spain10 I feel you completely, although I hate them to the extent that I don't want them to exist and would very much prefer all of them gone in whatever way. I have a true, pure hatred towards them. Every time I hear someone speak of one or I see it, my stomach flips from disgust, my blood starts to boil, head starts to hurt, and i distance myself immediately. I even have hatred for people having them or adopting them, so as soon as someone tells me they're planning on or have one I immediately block them on everything and tell them to get tf out my life. I unfortunately live with one, and am in serious depression because of it every day, it drives me nuts. I wish there was an island or something with adults and maybe very late teens or something, this just doesn't seem fair at all that I have no say at all about those crotch goblins being in my presence and am forced to encounter them on a daily basis. It's agonizing truly.
Jan 30
@bookgirlie I think you should seek therapy for that level of hatred (for anything honestly.) It's a bit awful that you block and cut people out of your life just because they decide to have a kid.
Jan 31
^^ yeahh. Given its impacting your life this severely and your ability to have relationships with other people, seeking professional help sounds like a good idea. Whether it’s trauma related, OCD, just a personality thing, or whatever, it sounds very miserable.
Jan 31
@bOokgirlie I agree with @aurielle. It honestly sounds a bit concerning that level of hatred.
Jan 31
And @spain10 I don’t think you sound evil at all. Just seems like a preference on your end.
Jan 31
U need therapy feeling hatred like that towards anyone is strange for no reason x
Jan 31
I don't know why I'm getting hate from everyone but I assure you I do not need therapy, I believe that people who have children do.
Jan 31
You described your feelings as “agonizing”. Usually those types of feelings are not fun to feel, especially if they are leading to depression as you said. A good therapist wouldn’t even try to change your beliefs per se, but could help you understand them better. A therapist may also be able to help you find a different living situation (where a child doesn’t live). I’m not saying your feelings are “bad”, but they are atypical. And feeling very different than how most people feel can be isolating and even dangerous depending on how intense they get. Therapy could be a good way to start exploring what this is all about and help you find some relief.
Jan 31
@beesandhoney When I mentioned it last time to my therapist, she was so offended and judgmental because she said kids, and she was saying things like "oh so you're saying I'm also selfish for having kids because I want someone to take care of me when I'm old since I'm also a parent for that reason?" Like it was just not it, I hated myself for even mentioning it, typical parent behaviour.
Jan 31
@bookgirlie it sounds like you’d benefit from finding a different therapist.
Jan 31
@Draculaurasb Why are you bein mean to me I don't understand?
Jan 31
@bookgirlie HUH? I’m not I’m calling u out for behaviour in a nice way that won’t be acceptable by loads of people you’re the one saying u block people for a choice in their life what is wrong the world doesn’t resolve you if u don’t wanna take advice when u post on a public post then??
Jan 31
@bookgirlie you’re also saying how u hate how people adopt them the fact you’re hating on someone helping an innocent child is evil! The original post was fair but not yours
Jan 31
@bookgirlie you absolute melon, bet you were the ugliest baby
Jan 31
@Draculaurasb Innocent children, you say? I have had multiple children touch me in inappropriate places in public, children I don't even know, my own little sibling also, calling me a whore when I was still a virgin, I've had children scream next to me in public places daily, I see at least one child every day in the street throwing a tantrum at their parent and laying on the floor in protest to be a brat, I've had child vomit and drool on me and I did not consent to any of this, I've had children hit me and their parents because of throwing tantrums, I've heard children call their parents vulgar and foul names when they didn't get candy or similar, I've had bigger kids throw ugly and inappropriate comments at me/their parents, I've heard children sexualise their parents/siblings/friends/strangers, and everywhere I go throughout the day something out of all these things I listed happens, this barely even covers it. You cannot tell me that these creatures are "innocent".
Jan 31
@DilfLuvr It costs you nothing to be nice. Behave, please or you will be reported. No ugly comments or insulting words on here.
Jan 31
@DilfLuvr @Draculaurasb don't know what kind of weird club you guys are in outside of the forum or if you're actually the same account but generally acting rude or ganging up on people will get you banned.
Jan 31
@aurielle excuse me???
Jan 31
@aurielle I was telling her how she’s being weird how is that me being mean exactly please explain
Jan 31
Damn this thread went south so fast 😭
Feb 2
@DilfLuvr honestly such a sad life you must have, making other people feel down because you get a laugh out of it, grow up this is supposed to be an app for those who are on the pill or any form of contraception to feel safe to open up about their issues and you obviously downloaded it to be a troll and amuse yourself for degrading other people. if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it

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