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Feb 23
A couple of days ago I accidentally butt dialled my grade six ex (we’re 20 now), and I told my current boyfriend about it. Well he got mad at me and accused me of cheating on him, but it was genuinely an accident. The only reason my ex was still in my contacts was because we continued to be good friends platonically through high school, and I never saw that grade 6 relationship as “serious”. I mean we were 11. My boyfriend still doesn’t believe me, and I found out that he told his female coworkers about the situation, and they’re making him overthink and giving him “what if scenarios”, which are completely untrue. I’ve deleted the contact from my phone, but he still doesn’t trust me, and I honestly don’t know what to do. He’s really close with his female coworkers and they all hangout outside of work sometimes, which I admit I get jealous of sometimes, but I’ve met them and I trust him. I don’t really trust his coworkers that much, but in that case there isn’t much I can do, except for telling him how I feel about them, to which he replies “well they all have boyfriends”. I’m sort of at a loss, I admit I do get jealous of his coworkers and not sure what to do, but I’ve been trying to fix that and work on myself more and not be so dependent on him, but this whole situation is making me uncomfortable
Feb 23
Your boyfriend is a controlling, insecure hypocrite. Imagine being jealous of your "boyfriend" from when you were a literal CHILD? Also he doesn't trust you at all!!! Why would you be lying about a butt dial? And then the fact that it's fine for him to have close female friends but he's freaking out because you accidentally called a male childhood friend? And he believes his coworkers over his own girlfriend? I seriously can't even count the red flags. You should get out of there fast. There is no relationship without trust, and he doesn't trust you, even though you've given him zero reason not to.
Feb 23
There is just no way!! 🤣 I think this is one of the craziest things I’ve heard in a while. His coworkers seem to love to feed into the drama, and it seems to be working on him. He doesn’t trust you and he never will, he has his own issues to resolve and that’s not your responsibility. Why would you want to stay with a guy like this? He trusts his coworkers over his girlfriend. He sounds like a child having a tantrum. Run!
Feb 23
Oh my gosh this has to be one of the craziest things I have read recently and NOT because of you, because of your bf. He is wayyyy overreacting. I am wondering if this reaction is stemming from some insecurities he has.
Feb 23
Boy bye. What a child. You’ll look back on this and laugh, but definitely get out of there. You’re only going to feel crazier and crazier.
Feb 24
This is bizarre and very immature behaviour for an adult. I would not tolerate that disrespectful behaviour towards you.
Feb 24
Sorry I replied late everyone, but I appreciate all the advice, I definitely needed a different perspective. I’ll try to talk about this with him but I’m scared we’ll just get into another argument again, since he gets really defensive when I bring things up. Honestly another red flag, but I guess I’ll see how it goes when I see him in person next week
Feb 24
Relationships are based and built on communication, if you can’t have healthy, mature and respectful communication then imo you simply don’t have a healthy, mature and respectful relationship.
Feb 24
@dtibaddie if you can’t have normal conversations and are scared it turns into an argument then that tells you all you need to know about this relationship.
Feb 24
I ended up just calling him and telling him how I feel, luckily it didn’t turn into an argument and I felt like we had a good productive conversation. He explained more about his side of why he overreacted, because of an argument we had the week before that he didn’t really move on from, which made him overthink about this. I brought up his coworkers and how I felt like they were influencing him and our relationship, which he denied, and said he was already going to overthink regardless of what his coworkers said. I guess I’m to blame as well, this past week I’ve been giving him a hard time mainly about my insecurities of his coworkers, and that’s what led to our argument before this one, and I apologized. He did say something that rubbed me the wrong way, and it was “don’t make it hard for me to stay with you” and I don’t know how to feel about that 😐. He doesn’t have much of a support system except for me and his coworkers, so I guess it would be wrong of me to ask him to take that away. I guess they’d just want the best for him, but they just had the wrong idea. Idk.
Feb 24
Sounds like he’s making excuses as to why it not his fault. It sounds like you’re dating his coworkers as well as him. They influence him way too much. I wouldn’t stay with someone who told me “don’t make it hard for me to stay with you” who does he even think he is. Because he ain’t no saint 🤣
Feb 24
He’s taking no responsibility for anything and just turns it around so the fault lays with you. This is what a toxic partner is. 🙃
Feb 25
Sigh, yeah he does do that a lot and I’ve called him out for it multiple times. Time for me to reconsider the relationship…
Feb 25
Honestly @yi_eune as if he’s not the one being “hard to stay with”? What an odd thing to say. You definitely need to reconsider this relationship this man has no self awareness or emotional maturity 💀
Feb 25
@dtibaddie nothing to consider, just run. He’s never going to change

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