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Jul 13
Brand: Yasmin I’ve only been taking the pill for 3 days but it’s making me super depressed do you think it’s a good idea to stop it
Jul 13
Nah, i mean you can obviously but theres gonna be a period where you’re mentally not good, but after its like normal. For me it was the first 5-7 days where my emotions felt more extreme. Like id get easily sad or irritated and ball ym eyes out. Idk if i was super depressed but j was def off
Jul 13
It takes 3-6 months to fully adjust
Jul 13
Is it just sadness or actual depression? Please do not confuse the two. Birth control does not cause mental illnesses so if you are depressed you should seek out professional help so they can help u x
Jul 13
Since you’ve only been on it for 3 days it’s not a good time to call it quits, your body can take 3-6 months to adjust id try waiting and if it continues then to talk to you doctor
Jul 13
I’ve been on it for 2 months now, the first week was really hard and the break weeks harder. I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to since we’re on the same boat lol. Let out any steam you have in a good way that won’t hurt yourself or those around you. Do things that make you happy and try to distract yourself from any negativity you might be going through! It gets better and easier to manage but you will have those low moments.
Jul 14
I used to be on that brand, it does have some odd side effects, if your not happy with it change it, it’s your body your choice.

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