Hi girls I wanna black box dye my hair black but I’m wondering is it really damaging as people say for reference I’m a really dark brunette currently
Jan 28 23:27
Colouring your hair will cause some damage, pretty much unavoidable. Just be very sure if you’re going to go for black box dye because it’s known to be incredibly hard to remove. You’ll probably need to grow most (if not all) of it out if you want to try something else
Jan 29 03:46
I have personally never heard good things about black box dye (specifically)
Jan 29 04:00
I always use the dye (like the crème) that you have to buy separate developer for. That is usually closer to what they’d use at a salon. It’s not necessarily better for your hair, but it’s better quality most of the time and you can choose lighter developer if you want.
Jan 29 04:30
@nicoanstic_ I think I might just stay dark brunette as I feel like if I went black there’s no going back
Jan 29 04:33
@Draculaurasb I went back but I did have to grow it out and it was a lengthy-ish process to tonight