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Feb 9
I have been on microlite for a few months and last month I accidentally took 23 so therefore have 2 less this month and would like to keep the packs even so would I be okay to take two less and have a shorter break? Would this cover me for the past few days? 💊⚠️⚠️🔶❌❌❌❌❌💊⚠️⚠️💊⚠️💊⚠️💊🔶‼️⚠️💊⚠️💊⚠️⚠️‼️⚠️⏱ Brand: Microlite
Feb 9
If all your active pills are the same colour it doesn’t matter. Then you can take a protected break when you take at least 7 pills correctly, so taking 19 is more than enough. If you’re ever unsure then ask before changing things up.
Feb 9
Thank you, I have taken a couple late, one a couple of days ago and one the week before that’s why I’m worried !
Feb 9
It was after the 12 hours but still just the next day
Feb 9
@Yi_eune I don’t mind being unprotected for future as long as I’m still protected from past
Feb 9
@Deirdre489 you need to check your pamphlet to see if you have a 12 or 24 hour window. Follow the “missed pill” section, if it doesn’t mention extra precautions you’re good.

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