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Jun 29
Boyfriend cancelled plans to go out tonight, but had no good reason. He then backtracked when I said I was confused and upset by this and said oh no I’m sorry let me take you out now. He said he doesn’t know why he cancelled. I’m so confused. I said I don’t want to go out because he is backtracking due to him feeling bad for me. Opinions??? I’m baffled.
Jun 29
It sounds like he made other plans but then they were cancelled so he attempted to backtrack. You need to communicate with him.
Jun 29
Does he usually do this?
Jun 29
@flyaway4me I’ve spoken to him and he said he doesn’t know why he cancelled. He said he regrets it, but couldn’t give a proper reason why and said he’s confused himself.
Jun 29
He did this once before and said he wanted to stay home instead
Jun 29
We’ve been together for 1 1/2yrs. I said I don’t mind if you want time to yourself, but don’t make plans with or at least cancel on good time to allow me time to make other plans.
Jun 29
Idk I think I’d be more concerned than annoyed. Like is he okay?
Jun 29
Saying he doesn't know the reason is concerning to me. Either he is very out of touch with his own thoughts and emotions, or he's lying to you about the reason. Also, it seems like he treats plans with you very lightly if he'll just cancel for no reason, which I wouldn't like.

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