I’ve seen lots of posts online about birth control potentially impacting your fertility and i’ve been taking my mini pill for almost a year now and im worried that it will impact my fertility for when i want children - is this just paranoia?
Feb 7 18:55
Yes this isn’t true and posts like this online are just fear mongering. The pill obviously impacts hormones and this can take a while to regulate when you decide to come off, but they will eventually.
Feb 7 18:55
It's misinformation. Birth control does not negatively impact fertility. In fact in some cases it can improve fertility by reducing your risk of endometrial cancer.
Feb 7 19:46
There are no studies to back those claims, just people trying to scaremonger, birth control doesn’t harm your fertility.
Feb 7 20:17
Don’t believe everything you read online without doing your own research
Feb 7 22:19
Only the injection can affect fertility but only for up to a year after you come off it so you need to plan ahead