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Jan 7
I skipped my period twice these past 3 months due to the holidays, I haven’t ever skipped my period before. I am currently getting a lot of period like symptoms and even bleeding now, but TMI (it’s just a darkish brown) can anyone help to explain why? I have about 2 1/2 weeks until my next “period” and I am just a little confused, Also, I am on birth control for my periods being really bad due to harsh cramps and lots of bleeding, honestly my birth control hasn’t seemed to do much except clear up my skin and only make my period last 5 days instead of 7. Should I go to my provider and ask for a high dosage? Thanks for your help.
Jan 8
It’s very common to have brown discharge/ blood from skipping ur period while on the combo pill. This used to happen to me all of the time, once I switched to the mini pill its stopped because on the mini pill you don’t get a break which means no bleed. You should talk to ur provider because the mini pill might be better for you.
Jan 8
@GhostFaceLov If you don’t mind me asking, what is the difference between the two? Did it help your cramps and flow??
Jan 8
The combo pill contains two hormones and has placebo pills for a break, the mini pill only contains progestin and doesn’t have placebos so you constantly are taking hormone pills. Hope that helps you understand more :)

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