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Jul 17
hi everyone!! i switched from the birth control patch to the birth control pill this month because i was having issues with spotting and irregular bleeding. before yesterday, i’ve experienced no breakthrough bleeding on the pill. the day before yesterday i had unprotected sex and bled during intercourse. i bled for around 30 mins after then there was nothing and i thought i was fine. however, yesterday and today i’ve noticed mild spotting (dark brown, light pink) and i’m just worried at what it could be :( anyone have any advice??? i’m scared that maybe the pill isn’t working or possible pregnancy/STI… but it could just be my anxiety i’m not sure
Jul 17
Unfortunately that’s a common side effect of birthcontrol of all kinds, you’re still adjusting to the new pill and it can take a couple months to even out as long as you followed to directions your pamphlet told you about switching methods you will be fine
Jul 17
It takes 3-6 months to adjust to the pill. However, if you or your partner haven’t gotten tested then it’s probably a responsible thing to do.

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