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Jul 17
hi everyone! i’ve been on the rigevidon pill for about 1 and a half years now and have always taken it with a 4 day break. however, i recently went on holiday in june and decided to carry on taking my pill without a break to avoid having a period as my periods are EXTREMELY heavy and painful. i never got a period thankfully however i’m halfway through the pack and am getting brown discharge with period like pains. this has been going on for a week now. is this normal? thank u guys xx ⚠️💊💊💊💊⚠️🔶💊💊💊‼️💊⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️💊‼️⚠️⚠️⏱ Brand: Rigevidon
Jul 17
Skipping break weeks can lead to heightened side effects like what you’re experiencing, that’s normal x
Jul 17
@bluerose9 okayyy thank u so much just worried as i haven’t done it before!! xx
Jul 18
Brown discharge is just oxidized blood so it's breakthrough bleeding which as said above is a common side effect when you skip breaks

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