would a pregnancy test be accurate after 14 days? or is it actually 21 days? hearing different things.
Nov 2 24 17:34
21 days
Nov 2 24 17:51
Depends on the type of test. Some are more sensitive and can detect as early as 10 days after conception.
Nov 2 24 18:00
All tests are accurate by 21 days, including the cheap ones
Nov 4 24 03:31
@jasmineshado i took a strip test and a first response (early response) and both were negative. is that safe to trust? or should i not rely until i test after 21 days? not super concerned, just having a weird anxiety feeling lol.
Nov 4 24 08:32
Tests are most accurate after 21 days. I would test again then. So you have any reason to think you’re pregnant? Why are you testing?
Nov 4 24 11:48
@Yi_eune I’m concerned about an incident that happened when I switched pills recently. I am 99.9% sure I am okay, but I’m just wanting to make sure.