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Jun 30
BROWN: Does anyone get like brown bits on the fingers if they finger themself. It’s rly tiny bits and looks like a cell or egg. My menstrual is cycle is day 25 so I’m due my period rly soon. Is there normal. I reached up to finger myself and noticed the tiniest brown spot or two.
Jun 30
normal- i got that at the start of being on the pill, i assume it’s just oxidised blood mixed with disharge
Jun 30
Blood becomes brown/black when it is exposed to oxygen so it's probably that. Hard to say why you're bleeding, could be small cuts or tears, spotting or anything else in that regard.
Jun 30
Ok thank you! I recently got a pelvic exam and pap smear and also was diagnosed with endometriosis so could be related. And also my breasts are tender and my period is coming soon
Jun 30
It’s not even on my underwear it’s just if I put my finger up inside and it’s smaller than a finger nail it’s tiny brown dots
Jun 30
I am not on birth control anymore so not related probably
Jun 30
Sounds like dried up blood

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