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Jul 10
Hi I was wondering if anyone has any advice on masters degrees? I think I’d like to do one but im not totally set. I’m thinking of taking a gap year after my undergraduate anyway, wondering if this is a good idea as well? If anyone has any experience with this or advice it would be appreciated!!
Jul 10
What field do you want to do your master's in? And is it required/beneficial for your desired career?
Jul 10
what makes you want to do one? i wanted to do one for a while but realised i just was scared to leave education :(
Jul 10
@aurielle I think I’d like to work in sustainability or conservation, I’m not too sure if a masters is required or beneficial though
Jul 10
@onthepillxo I like the idea of expanding my skills and knowledge, but also staying in education/uni for a bit longer
Jul 10
I personally would not do a masters just for the sake of doing a masters. If I was to do a masters it would be with a specific goal in mind, ie to enter a different job field or to go up in seniority or specialise in my current field. It’s a lot of money, time and effort and you would want that to be reflected in your pay check and work life.
Jul 10
A masters is something you can do at any stage in life, many people do one 10 or 20 years after their bachelor’s so I would recommend waiting until you are absolutely certain on what exactly you want to do a masters in. Many companies will sponsor further education so it’s worth waiting for that too.
Jul 11
@bluerose9 thank you for the advice! :)

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