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Jan 27
I have my period (withdrawal bleed) every month on rigevidon and it usually starts on the Thursday and ends on like the following Tuesday? This month I was having like brown/black blood for just over a week before my bleed started, but now my bleed has ended on Sunday and now back to a little bit of light brown? Can someone help me out
Jan 27
normal, your body isn’t a robot it won’t be specific days every time, all that matters is that you take your pills correctly
Jan 27
It’s just every month it’s always started on and ended on the exact same day give or take
Jan 27
likely just a coincidence, have you taken your pills correctly?
Jan 27
It won’t be the same every single time.
Jan 28
@onthepillxo yeah correctly, maybe like a couple hours late but that means nothing on rigevidon

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