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Jan 20
Anyone with experience switching to a POP? I recently switched from Mirvala 28 (combined) to Slynd (POP) because I get migraines with aura. I know that progestin only pills are more likely to get rid of withdrawal bleeding altogether, including Slynd even though it has 4 days of placebo pills unlike other POPs. This makes me nervous as I like the reassurance that I’m not pregnant. I worry that I’ll just be constantly anxious if I stop getting a period of any kind. Anyone who’s been through this or something similar, what are some options for peace of mind? I’m considering getting a pack of bulk pregnancy test strips to just check once in a while.
Jan 21
Well a withdrawal bleed isn't a guarantee that you're not pregnant anyway
Jan 21
@aurielle I know, but it’s pretty unlikely to happen with a viable pregnancy & my pamphlet states 2+ missed bleeds as a possible sign of pregnancy.
Jan 21
i don’t think we should trust withdrawal bleeds personally to show us if we are pregnant or not as it’s a withdrawal from hormones, you could take a pregnancy test once a month for reassurance though? that’s what i did at the start (i’m on the mini pill so don’t get a bleed) and now i trust it enough not to do that
Jan 21
@onthepillxo ok thank you, i’ll look into getting some. i feel kind of silly worrying about worrying so much

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