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Jan 28
Hi guys I’m really worried I might be pregnant I’ve had cramps kinda all over my stomach my stomach feels hard I’ve been on birth control for nearly 2 months now I haven’t missed a day and I think I’m certain I’ve took it right and before I started birth control I took a pregnancy test and I defo wasn’t I’m just really scared
Jan 28
I last had sex more than a week ago can I take a pregnancy test now?
Jan 28
If you are taking ur pill correctly then there is no chance of pregnancy.
Jan 28
@GhostFaceLov I mean I took it everyday sometimes 3 -5 hours different time but I’m on the combined pill so I’m sure it’s ok
Jan 28
Yes you were fine to take it 3-5 hours later then ur normal time but taking it at different times can cause more side effects.
Jan 28
@GhostFaceLov hi maybe silly question but can birth control make your stomach feel quite hard all the time ? :)
Jan 28
If you used your pills correctly you’re fine.
Jan 28
Hardness in ur stomach could mean ur bloated. Is there a reason why you think ur pregnant other then that because to me it sounds like you just dont trust ur pill.
Jan 28
@GhostFaceLov I’m always bloated tho it’s weird I think it might just be bc one day I thought I didn’t swallow the pill properly and two days after I had active sex and I’m just worried like I took it but I felt it stuck at the back of my throat and idk if it would of digested ? Does that make sense sorry
Jan 28
What happened to cause you to think you didn’t swallow ur pill correctly? if it was partially melted then you should be okay but when the pill gets fully melted you usually should take another pill right away to insure you are you protected.
Jan 28
@GhostFaceLov I swallowed it but I could feel it like kinda logged in my jaw / throat ? So now I’m thinking if that day didn’t count I may be in trouble ?
Jan 28
The pill is too small to get stuck, so that’s just your fears speaking and taking over.
Jan 28
@Yi_eune true sorry I wasn’t thinking rational
Jan 28
@Draculaurasb be sure to take a step back this week and look after yourself. You’ve had a few days where you experienced a lot of stress. Take care

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