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Jul 10
My boyfriend has lately not wanted to have sex as often as we normally do. We’ve been together for a year and a half, and sex is really important to me. I’m a very sexual person and often feel very horny. We used to have the same sex drive, but now he doesn’t even look at me or tell me I look good, or express that he wants me like he used to. What should I do now? I cannot live like this. I’m sorry if someone says that I just have to let him be and that it's natural. It’s better for me to think that I cannot be with someone who isn’t as horny as I am. To be honest, this is so important to me, and I cannot be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t tell me how sexy I am, how good I look, or make me feel wanted sexually.
Jul 10
How long has this decline in his sex drive been happening? The first step would be to talk to him about it, have you done that?
Jul 10
I think the best thing to do is to have an open conversation about why he hasn’t been wanting to be as active and express that you would like to be. As for the compliments and needing to feel wanted you don’t need to beg for a man that loves you would compliment you. I would break up with him if you have a discussion and nothing changes as you said you cant see yourself being with someone who doesn’t have the same sex drive.
Jul 10
I understand that a good sex life is very important to you, but the truth is there is always going to be a libido mismatch at some point in a relationship. It's just not possible in a long term relationship for your sex drives to be exactly matched all the time. However that doesn't mean that you have to give up on the relationship. You should communicate with him and talk about how important sex and feeling desired are to you. You can work on this together and compromise. If he feels he's never going to have a sex drive again or something like that, then you might not be compatible, but pretty much 99% of couples have to work through this issue at some point.
Jul 10
honestly i agree with @aurielle the same thing kind of happened in my relationship, but after a month or two it went back to normal x

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