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Nov 21 24
yall.. just a rant.. but. sometimes i feel so bad posting about my anxiety questions on here. i know everything about my perfect usage and i literally have tried to go to multiple different counselors with no luck. and the only friend i had who could calm me down from my anxiety about pregnancy, is not my friend anymore. i’ve cut back my sex life significantly bc of the anxiety and we double up contraception always. i just take every adjustment symptom as a bad sign. 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭🍭💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: Hailey FE 1/20
Nov 21 24
How old are you? It might just be the case that you’re not ready for sex mentally.
Nov 21 24
@Yi_eune I’m 20.
Nov 21 24
@nicoanstic_ that’s still relatively young in my opinion. I was 21 or 22 when I first started having sex. Back then I was still anxious about pregnancy as well so I took a break from it until I was around 24 years old. It’s perfectly fine to not be ready for it. I’m sad to hear that counselling hasn’t benefitted you, and that you lost out on the person you could go to. What was it that this person did for you that made you feel at ease? Might it be worth bringing up with a councillor so they can tend to your needs more? Have you had a conversation with your partner about your struggles? What did they say?
Nov 21 24
@Yi_eune I have talked to my partner. He has been very understanding and helpful. He also doesn’t want kids at all so we have prioritized being careful.. I do literally EVERYTHING to make sure I’m a perfect user, like going out of my way exhaustion doing research and taking tests to make sure it didn’t fail. Anything you can think of. This person I just trusted her. I don’t know.. I feel like I don’t have anybody to talk to about this :( And I can definitely bring it up to a counselor. I’m just having a really hard time finding one who takes my insurance and has openings available for new clients in my area.
Nov 21 24
How long have you been on bc? It look me a few months to fully trust it and even after a few years sometimes I still ask stupid questions here lol, but I do fully trust my pill now. Research is the best think you can do so you’re doing a good job.
Nov 21 24
@tailosailo This is month 9. I started a new brand last month. This is my second pack of the new brand.
Nov 23 24
@nicoanstic_ I completely understand this anxiety. I also suffered from this for YEARS. It was worse when I was younger as well, so maybe that’s a thing? I am 36 now. I realized the anxiety was partly in due to the kind of birth control I was taking. I was on Depo Provera and because it caused me to miss periods entirely or spot randomly, I never knew if I could be pregnant or not. I didn’t trust that worked the way I knew it was supposed to and it drove me nuts. I switched to the ring, and it changed everything. With the ring my period is predictable to the day, and I know I’m getting a period (I use it 3 weeks in, one week out where I menstruate, then it goes back in). This has helped my anxiety so much. I think age will help too. And being able to talk to your partner about it is also wonderful and healthy.

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