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Jul 16
Soooooo.... ugh🤦🏻‍♀️ im 6 and a half weeks pregnant. Just found out yesterday. After i have been taking my pill on time every day since my son was born . My son is 10 monthsbold and now im oregnant again. I have a 10 year old son as well. And 2 step children with my boyfriend.(2 years,1 baby and 1 on the way,still no ring 😒) anywayssss.. so yea im shocked. In disbelief confused. But one thing i know is i dont want an abortion, and due to florida law i wont be able to get one. His reaction is, that we cant do another baby right now. And i need to take the abortion pill. And we will figure it out and try again in a few years. He wants us to be in a better spot in our lives which i understand, but theres no turning back. It happend and this is what it is. Idk what to do. I understand financially, but everything else i dont agree with. Idk what to do smh im losing it rn.
Jul 16
At the end of the day it’s your body and your decision and whatever you decide he has to accept
Jul 16
I agree with @mONkeybutt63 , but also make sure you and your partner will be able to financially support it. If you decide that you can’t and don’t want to abort, you can consider adoption
Jul 16
You can still access an abortion pill by mail. Do this carefully and discreetly if you want to terminate the pregnancy. Also in future it would be good to include a trigger warning in posts about abortion

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