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Jul 24
Hey so i’ve been on the pill for a year now. Lately I’ve been having the absolut WORST moodswings against my boyfriend and also family. I’m angry one second and the next i’m sad again. I feel like I have to change my pill but I’ve never had any sideeffects from my pill but lately it’s just getting out of hand. I’m really trying to contain myself but sometimes I just can’t . My boyfriend doesn’t know what to do and I’m always sad that i act like this towards him. Do you guys have any tipps what I should do? I don’t want to get off the pill but maybe I have to change my contraceptive..
Jul 24
Look into ways to grasp control of your emotions and feelings, if you feel heated take time to respond and communicate this. I think looking into ways to get that control is much more useful than swapping pills or methods which might not even improve the situation. If you struggle by yourself you can always look into professional assistance.
Jul 24
You might be better off switching to a non hormonal option such as the copper IUD. Sometimes the hormonal birth control doesn’t work for some people.
Jul 24
@Angel420 that’s not how that works. Hormonal birth control isn’t just a singular method. Different dosages and hormonal methods can have entirely different results while both being hormonal.
Jul 25
Definitely worth changing pill to see if it helps. Eg if you’re on a high dose pill try a lower dosage and/or different type of hormone
Jul 28
talk to your doctor and see what they recommend

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