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Jan 26
Hi everyone! I’m usually very good at taking my pill and very rarely will miss one. But this past week I missed one then took two the next day but then missed two again so I took 3 in the same day😅 and completely forgetting about this, me and my partner had sex and he came in me. What’s the likely good of pregnancy when I took 7 pills in a row before I missed them😅
Jan 26
Likely hood*
Jan 26
If you’re on a combined pill you can have a break week after taking 7 pills. Do it depends on if you missed the pills all within the same week. Just a note: taking 3 pills in one day does absolutely nothing, so you would’ve been better off just taking one a day from then on. If you miss pills regularly I recommend using condoms or swapping to a semi-permanent method so you don’t have to remind yourself daily.
Jan 26
@Yi_eune yes it’s a combined pill. I’m very good at taking my pill every day so that’s why I’m surprised I missed 3 this week? Do you think I should be worried? Thanks for replying!
Jan 26
@Polly7980 if you just treat that week as your break week then you have nothing to be worried about. I used to be the same as you whereby I always took my pills as scheduled and then suddenly I kept missing them so I swapped to the implant
Jan 26
@Yi_eune oh right okay I understand u now :) thanks for the help!x

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