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Nov 9 24
I wrote books of whats going on in my life. I moved back to my hometown, and left for work in a different regions and because I didn’t have time to arrange my stuff, I left some of it at my hometown. Today, my sister texted me saying my mum found my books and she read them. And started crying and everything. I honestly don’t know how to feel. A big part of me is mad because she decided to go over my stuff when I told her many times, DO NOT TOUCH MY STUFF.
Nov 9 24
You have every right to be upset, your privacy was invaded even after you told her not to go through your stuff. Shows a lack of respect from their end to ignore your wishes.
Nov 9 24
I would be upset to if I told someone not to go through my stuff and they did. That’s an invasion of privacy. Especially something so personal like your journals
Nov 9 24
I’m sorry. You do have a right to be upset. I would be as well. They should have respected your privacy.

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