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Jul 13
… I’m sure y’all have been waiting for an update, we got married! It’s been great for the most part I’ve just been finding myself initiating a lot of our alone time, like if I don’t say or get mad that we aren’t together he’d just play his dumb Xbox without acknowledging me… I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.. I don’t know why I’m second guessing my decisions. Opinions plz
Jul 13
You’re not doing anything wrong. This guy hasn’t been treating you right for a while. I’m not surprised you’re second guessing it because what he has done to you is not okay and the majority of people that replied to your previous post that getting married wasn’t the right step.
Jul 13
I can promise you it will not get any better when you’re married. Marriage won’t magically make things better, it generally makes things like this worse actually. If you’re not happy now then you need to seriously think about whether marrying this person is the right decision for you. I would recommend seeing a therapist. My advice would be to trust your gut. If you are having doubts then you need to listen to them.

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