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Nov 2 24
Hey yall. Tomorrow will be my last active pill of the pack. I got this really bad cramping starting today. Feels like period cramps. I never experience cramping like this until my actual break week. I am just worried about my protection. I did have an episode of vomiting on the 14th. But it was at 3:14am and I took my bc pill later that morning at 9:20 am. So I understand it shouldn’t interact. I didnt have sex again until i took 7active pills. I am just getting worried. I take my pill daily but not at the EXACT same time anymore just due to my schedule. But it usually -/+ an hour. 💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤⚠️⚠️💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊🔶🔶💊💊💊💊💊 Brand: Apri
Nov 2 24
If you took your pill after you vomited, it would not have any connection. Apri is a combination pill which means you have 24 hours to take your pill before it is considered missed. 1 hour on either end of your usual time makes no difference. Cramping is a side effect of birth control and can happen at any point, regardless of where you are in your pack. If you are having trouble trusting your pill, I would recommend using a secondary form of protection such as condoms to ease your anxiety and give yourself peace of mind.
Nov 2 24
I usually do use them! I didnt last weekend so I think im just nervous @sweetlily
Nov 2 24
You’re fine. Also you don’t have to wait 7 days to be protected again. That’s only when you first start the pill or if you get really off track and miss a bunch of pills and have to start all over. One pill isn’t going to mess you up. And you don’t have to take them at the same exact time either. That’s only for mini pills and even they have like a 2 hour window.

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