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Jul 11
I am using bc and before my break week I missed a pill and I was unprotected but my boyfriend and I had sex and he came inside me. Even though I was unprotected. And I usually bleed in my break week. But I didn’t this time. And today I am starting to new pack. Do you think I might be pregnant? Am I not still being protected bc I have been using bc for over 7 months.
Jul 11
Why do you think you were unprotected? You’re allowed to miss a single pill anywhere in your pack and remain protected. Being irregular can cause your bleeding to change but it’s also normal to not bleed at all. Bleeding doesn’t mean anything.
Jul 11
For next time; if you’re unsure about your protection status you should really use condoms or abstain from sex. Do not risk it if you want to avoid pregnancy.
Jul 11
I thought I was unprotected bc in the app it’s say unprotected. So i am confused. My pill brand is Junel Fe 1/20. I am new to this thing and I am confused. I usually bleed on the break and the doctor gave me this to regulate my period
Jul 11
@Lunahestia_ the app is really unreliable in telling you your protection status. The data on here is severely outdated as the developers have abandoned the app. There haven’t been any updates for years. While on the combined pill (given you’re using it correctly) you will not ovulate, so you do not experience an actual period. Bleeding during your break week is called withdrawal bleeding, this is caused by withdrawal symptoms because you are not taking the active pills. This bleeding is synthetic and it’s also completely normal not to bleed, as birth control is known to lighten or stop bleeding from happening entirely. Another type of bleed you can experience is during your active pills, this is called breakthrough bleeding which is also classified as irregular bleeding. Again: this is completely normal. No matter how long you’ve been on the pill for. With Junel Fe 1/20 you can fully miss a pill without it negatively affecting your protection status, this will be confirmed by your pamphlet/patient leaflet. You should really take the time to check it, and refer back to it if you run into problems. You can find a digital leaflet of it online, that’s how I know you can safely miss a pill. Another thing to remember is that this pill has a 24 hour usage window, this is on top of your regular time. Which means as long as you take one pill every 48 hours you are a perfect user. Don’t go play around with this though and try to take the pill daily as instructed in your leaflet. Taking the pill at roughly the same time every day can limit side effects, so it is adviced. As long as you take your pill in its usage window you are considered a perfect user. In regards to protection it’s important to know you’re either fully protected or you are unprotected. There is no percentage. Please educate yourself further on the pill using reliable sources only, this means backed up by scientific research. A good source for this is the NHS. Don’t use Google or social media like TikTok, it’s not reliable. Birth control is incredibly effective at preventing pregnancies but you need to know what you’re taking, how to take it effectively, what interacts and what to do if that happens. If you’re unsure of any of these things you should use condoms until you do understand; or accept the risk of you making a mistake which might result in pregnancy.
Jul 11
But yeah; in this case you were not at risk when you had sex, unless you messed up elsewhere.

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