Hopefully this won’t cause any issues but curious of varying opinions. Who in your relationship purchases the pregnancy tests? I handle my birth control and my bf handles the condoms of course but curious as to whose “responsibility” it is to buy the tests to take during a scare. Or is there no designated person and you guys share the responsibility?
Feb 8 19:42
I think that’s a shared responsibility in my opinion. I don’t think either partner should be the “designated pregnancy test buyer.”
Feb 8 19:43
I’ve never needed enough pregnancy tests for this to be something to think about tbh 😅
Feb 8 19:49
^ do you miss your pills often?
Feb 8 20:35
I've never bought a pregnancy test that I can remember so I haven't had to think about it. Would probably want it to be a shared responsbility
Feb 8 20:42
@Lemongrass_ That’s a good question!! I’m pretty good at it. I’ve been late maybe once or twice every couple of months so the odds of me getting pregnant (plus with use of a condom) are very low. I just get nervous when I’m late so we take one out of an abundance of caution.
Feb 8 20:51
If it’s just because of your own anxiety then I think it’s unfair to expect him to pay. You shouldn’t be having sex without condoms if you don’t fully trust your birth control. You don’t have a genuine period on the pill since you don’t ovulate so you’re never “due” or “late”, the bleeding is irrelevant.
Feb 8 21:02
@Yi_eune it sounds like they do use condoms as well
@smurfette74 it may be a good idea to switch to a form of birth control that is less likely to result in possible error such as the implant or IUD
Feb 8 21:02
@yi_eune That is a really good point!! It’s mostly for me like you said. He’s confident that with condoms and bc we’re safe but I’m the anxious one and he supports me taking it. But yes it’s cause of gmy worries so I should step up
Feb 8 21:03
Thank you everyone💕💕
Feb 8 21:25
@Lemongrass_ ah yeah I read that wrong thanks for correcting me
Feb 8 21:26
@smurfette74 I think it’s more than fair to pay for your own pregnancy tests if it’s for your anxiety. Especially as your boyfriend seems to buy the condoms (which is a shared responsibility imo).