How Things Turned Out.
I knew I was unhappy at the company and just life in general. Hence why I had decided to send my resignation letter. I just wanted to quit and go back to hometown and without a back up plan. I was determined.
I sent my resignation so randomly to everyone’s surprise on Thursday. I had been bugging them since god knows how many times/how long saying that I wanted to quit but I never did. Even my work bestie was surprised.
The reason I gave to the director : I wanted to go back to hometown and stay with my family
Next day, the director called me to the office and said I will be transferred to hometown.
I could see a couple of unhappy faces. I was happy to be transferred to hometown, because at least however life would turn out for me, I would be around my family. And finally, real on site experiences that I have been dreaming for too long!
I later talked to one of the engineers (its five of us colleagues and later become somewhat close), he said something like it’s better if you quit, at least there’s someone replacing you, but now you’re going somewhere else.. we have to handle your work that you’re leaving behind.
I had suggested my boss to find one clerk to replace me. Because they have been relying on me on filing, and printing whilst doing my other work.
What he said made me feel like I am being selfish.
At the same time, I felt like it’s not fair to put it on me.
I had been thinking and overthinking about how people feel, how people think for too long since I started working for this company.
For one time, life turned to my favor, I somehow also need to feel sh*t.