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Feb 9
I’ve been on LoLo for two months now, does anyone know if I’m supposed to wait seven days after starting a new pack or is it just for the first pill? 💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💤💤💤💤💤💤💤💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊💊⏱ Brand: Lo Loestrin Fe (LoLo)
Feb 9
That’s just when you first start the pill outside of your natural period or when you somehow lose protection and have to build it up again. If you continue to take your pills correctly you’re always protected, even during your break week.
Feb 9
I went on bc this week and the lady said they have been having to call around people because when people don’t take the pill for 7 days a lot ovulated so they are changing it to 4 days. If you have assighned days on your pill packet continue but if you can choose then switch to a 4 day break
Feb 9
@Sandra284 LoLoestrin has a 2 day break so it's different from other pills. But yes the recommendation is to take 4 day breaks instead of 7 days

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