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Jul 14
So I’ve been dating this guy and he’s amazing. One night we made dinner and drank a good amount. We weren’t plastered but we were definitely feeling it! And so I asked him if he’s talking to anyone else and he said definitely not and that we should be exclusive and I agreed. Then he asked me to be his gf but I said that I don’t want him to ask me now cause I don’t want him to feel pressured just because I asked that question (plus we were drunk). But I did say I would love to be his gf but I want him to ask on his own. We hung out the next weekend and he didn’t ask. I’m kind of worried now. Maybe he didn’t remember?
Jul 14
Happened with me and my bf in terms of me telling him about it. It took him almost a month after that because he said he didn’t want to ask so soon after I told him he would’ve just been asking me because I mentioned it. He said he wanted that to pass over a little bit so I wouldn’t get into my own head about it. I wouldn’t think to much about it if he has asked you before and if you guys are exclusive. Wait it out a little bit
Jul 15
^ definitely give him a bit of time.
Jul 15
Thanks guys! That makes sense

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