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Feb 15
I have skipped my most recent break which was 4 days ago and decided to take my next lot of pills as I was away and didn’t want my period whilst away. Me and my boyfriend did have both protected (used a condom) and unprotected (without a condom) whilst we were away and I am aware that I am protected from pregnancy as taking pills correctly at the right time. I was wondering if I should continue to take this months pills and then have a break or take my break earlier this month? Thank you for any advice 😀 Brand: Microgynon 30
Feb 15
@EG2006 take your pills are normal then have your break at the end of your pack, it’s not recommended to cut your pack short so just finish the pack and have a break- or you don’t need to have a break since it’s safe to take the pill continuously:) hope this helps !!
Feb 15
Thank you very much :)

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