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Jul 12
hello everyone! just a general question i’m looking into information so i thought i’d ask other people their experiences. So for the past year i’ve been struggling with reoccurring UTIs (at least the symptoms of them) i go to the doctors every time, give them samples and push them to send off samples and refer me to urologist and such. i’ve had no luck and im at rock bottom with how it’s making me feel. i miss work every time i have one because it’s uncomfortable but not really painful (until i pee) and it’s making me feel like a terrible employee cause i feel like it doesn’t require a day off even though i am technically sick. has anyone else had any reoccurring uti problems? how have you coped or got rid of them? i’ve tried drinking only water, drinking only tap water, cutting down on fizzy drinks, completely stopping fizzy drinks, i’ve forced my boyfriend to wash his hands before even touching me even if he’s just done it an hour before. i don’t use bath bombs or bubble bath when i shower i only thoroughly wash with water, i don’t drink alcohol cause every time i do and i go a pre it stings. im at a loss maybe it’s not a UTI at all? my family has a history of utis so maybe it’s just chronic? ive explored ideas of cystitis, chronic utis, relating back to kidneys and everything. to make things worse my dad just got diagnosed with kidney failure(he was born with kidney problems so it was inevitable) so it’s making my mental health worse. i’ve told the doctors all of this and push to get it explored but it’s like they completely ignore me or they come up with excuses? is that normal? i just want some opinions please!!
Jul 12
sorry drinking only bottled water* my dad had an idea that is might be tap water and i was desperate at this point
Jul 13
Have you actually been referred to the urologist and had an appointment with them?
Jul 13
Get a referral to a Urology and look into Interstitial Cystitis.
Jul 13
i’ve been trying to get the referral but they don’t seem to find urgency in it said they will send off samples first and go from there but they haven’t done that yet. they said i had to wait for a uti to happen before i can give them a sample which seems odd to me it’s like they’re not taking it seriously. can i demand a referral? and completely skip out the doctors or is there a way for me to go straight to a urologist?
Jul 15
@boocookie_ it will depend on the health system in your country, ask again for a referral and ask if there’s another way to can get a referral or skip a referral? Is going private an option for you? Do you have insurance?
Jul 15
@bluerose9 i’m in the uk so it’s all free i’m not sure how much a private urologist would cost and i heard sometimes it’s just as long. i’m just starting to get worried i’ve had like 8 lots of antibiotics in like 7 months surely that can’t be healthy

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