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Jul 15
Idk what category to put this in. But do you keep momentos from previous relationships? Like pictures on your phone, stuffies, letters, clothes…. I am curious cuz I still have stuff from my ex that I wanna toss out and know i should but its like ahh i dont miss him but i miss that time period if you know what i mean. Looking for others opinions and reasoning :3
Jul 15
personally i don’t, i would find it too weird especially if i was in a new relationship but it’s each to their own
Jul 15
It's completely normal to hold onto mementos from past relationships, as they can hold sentimental value and remind us of certain times in our lives. However, it's also important to consider whether keeping these items is hindering your ability to move forward and fully embrace new experiences. If you find that holding onto these items is causing you distress or preventing you from fully letting go of the past, it may be beneficial to consider letting go of them. In the end it’s a personal decision and what matters most is how you feel about it. It's okay to take your time to process your emotions and decide what is best for you
Jul 15
I personally get rid of anything couple-related but gifts like stuffed animals or clothing I will keep because it’s mine. However if you wanna toss the things then do so. Nobody can tell you what to keep or not; but please consider donating it to a shelter don’t just throw it in the trash.
Jul 15
No the only thing I have kept from previous relationships is jewellery and clothes they had gifted me that I really liked. I did wait a while after the relationships ended to wear those bits again. If you want to keep it, keep it, if you don’t want to keep it then don’t keep it.
Jul 15
Yeah I still have all the photos and gifts my ex gave me, I don't think it's weird. Like you said it's not just about that person but that period of your life and there are other memories attached to it; for example if you went on a trip with your ex you may not want to get rid of all the memories of that place.
Jul 16
Hi!! I am a very big sentimental person and also a firm believer in the fact that everything happens for a reason. It’s important to acknowledge that relationships that ended still have a lasting impact on the person you are today. I have a box tucked away in my closet of every item I have ever received from an ex — I rarely ever look at it but it is still important to me. I would totally recommend doing this if you’re a sentimental person as well, and hiding it where you’re not tempted to access it. Especially when you’re fully over the relationship, you’ll have something to look back on and smile about. As for photos on your phone, Google Photos has saved my life. You’re able to delete the ones on your actual camera roll after you upload them onto Google Photos, which makes you not want to go back and look at the photos as often while you’re in the process of moving on. And like I said, when you get over them you have moments to reminisce on, either happy or sad — because the moved on version of you is completely different than the one that was with them.
Jul 16
My truly proper relationship ended badly. It ended in 2022 I think and only late last year did I arrange for a charity to pick up clothes (don’t worry when things first ended I asked if he wanted them back and he declined saying they’re mine now) but I kept them in a cupboard out of sight out of mind, (even getting them in bags made me emotional, thinking about how great things were but how quickly they went sour) I met my new current bf and felt guilty for still having it hence the getting rid of it, there were other items that weren’t donate-able which honestly idk where I put them but they’re gone (broken bracelet, necklace) all that’s left is a tiny turtle and a water bottle which I kept out of practicality and because it has bees on it (I love bees). Photos and videos of us together was a delete after I started seeing other people as again the guilt kicked in but up until that point it was under the hidden section on apple gallery) it was a big part of my life being with him but also the root cause of my issues, i very much like to separate myself from past relationships even friendships, if things go wrong I want nothing left in my life so I can move on and grow, maybe if things didn’t end so badly I would’ve kept something it probably would have been nice but it didn’t go that way sadly, I also think that if my bf had mementos of past relationships I’d be really uncomfortable which somewhat fuels my reasoning

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