Hi guys! i’ve been on the pill for about 2 years now, and it’s going fine however i was thinking of changing to the contraceptive patch? Can anybody who is on the patch maybe give there experiences and advice? did anybody have any bad reactions to it? xx
Feb 23 03:24
You can use the search bar to see old posts and people discussing their experiences. If you put the word patch into the search bar, put 1 exclamation point ! after to see newer posts, and 2 exclamation points !! after to see older posts.
Feb 23 04:56
Depending on where you’re located different brands of patches are available along with different types. In Canada only the Evra patch is available, but in the states you can get xulane and Evra and I think you can get twirla there too? I might be wrong about that but Canada definitely only has evra